New Year, New You, New Dental Insurance

Posted by Sun-Park Dental Jan 06,2021

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A very tiresome year has passed, and we have stepped into new grounds. A new year also means new dental insurance and updated benefits, which you could utilize throughout the year. Perhaps, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to form a new year resolution to make the best use of your dental insurance this year!

The hassle brought by the pandemic

Hopefully, you took advantage of all your dental benefits in 2020. Most patients may not have been able to do so due to the global pandemic, which forced us to make drastic changes to our everyday lifestyle. We were forced to stay indoors or in isolation for a significant part of the year, due to which our routine consultations could have been affected. Well, it’s time to rectify this by visiting the dentist and getting our oral conditions diagnosed and treated.

What’s your insurance plan?

Most dental insurance companies offer benefits only after users pay the minimum deductibles every year. It would be a good idea to meet the deductible as early as possible so that you can utilize the benefits of insurance to the fullest. The longer you wait, the lesser time you may have to use the benefits, which may go in vain. Besides, getting your oral concerns addressed at the earliest can save you a lot of time and money while keeping you from enduring pain and discomfort.

Renewed benefits

Reaching your annual maximum for dental insurance benefits may keep you waiting till the start of a new year so that your benefits renew. It would be advisable to get your biannual consultation completed now, as this would include a thorough diagnosis of the mouth, oral cleaning, fillings, and diet plan recommendations. In case you have particular oral conditions which you wish to get treated, you can discuss it with the dentist.

Do you not have dental insurance?

Not having dental insurance can burn a hole in your pocket. A few sophisticated dental procedures can be quite expensive as they involve a lot of chair time and may require the expertise of more than one dentist. Having insurance will minimize your out-of-the-pocket expenses while allowing you to maintain optimum oral health. Do reach out to us at the earliest, and we’ll help you figure out the most suitable dental insurance plan for you.

Call us at 916-435-1155 or schedule an online appointment for a consultation with Dr. Nguyen.

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